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Wellness and Lactation Spaces

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academy hall 3rd floor wellness room

The SRWC campus offers wellness and lactation spaces in each of the administrative buildings providing employees the opportunity to recharge, de-stress and take care of themselves.

These private rooms are available to support a variety of mental health, physical health and personal needs, including:

  • Lactation (new moms are given first priority to reserve time in designated spaces; see Priority for Nursing Parents below)
  • Meditation
  • Injections
  • Migraine recovery or other sensory disorders
  • Reflection or prayer


All wellness and lactation spaces are equipped with a recliner, sink, mini fridge, microwave and a small table; select rooms include a modified workspace.

Below are the room numbers for designated wellness and lactation spaces at SRWC:

  • Cardinal Hall: C203, C353, C401, C568, C601

  • University Hall: U244, U353, U431, U546
  • Discovery Hall: D132, D203, D330, D449, D574

  • Academy Hall: A183, A202, A394

Room Etiquette

Please observe the following guidelines to ensure a safe and relaxing environment for all:

  • Typically rooms are reserved for 30 minutes at a time, however, some individuals may need longer.
  • Be mindful and don't overextend your reservation time. If you are more than 15 minutes late, consider rescheduling so as to not impact other reservations
  • Check Teem panel before use; reserve the space in advance
  • Always leave the room clean and reset for the next person

Reservation Process

You may reserve wellness/lactation spaces in two ways:

  1. Teem panel located outside each wellness room: Click the “+” sign to start the process of scheduling.  A scheduling assistant will pop up and the  “meeting” will start immediately.  You will need to enter the end time (see room etiquette above). Once end time is entered, tap the “Reserve Now” button to finalize the schedule. 
  2. Schedule a meeting in Outlook: similar to other meeting invites, create a meeting and enter the wellness/lactation room number in the "location" section. You may also "search rooms" in Outlook using the "Scheduling Assistant" button.

Priority for Nursing Parents

All second floor wellness rooms are prioritized to support and accommodate nursing parents who wish to carry out their breastfeeding goals after returning to work. This means, nursing parents will have first right to reserve time in these designated rooms.

  • Cardinal Hall: C203
  • University Hall: U244
  • Discovery Hall: D203
  • Academy Hall: A202

Visit the WorkLife Office website for lactation support and resources.


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