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CAMPUS IS OPEN: There is no emergency at this time. Visit the Alerts and Notices page for updates.

Building Evacuation

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Report a Safety Concern

If you have a non-emergency safety, security or hazard issue, fill out the form at the link below.

Report a Safety Concern

If you sustained an injury on campus, you must fill out the incident report form within 24 hours of occurrence.

EH&S eSU-17 form

SRWC building evacuation procedures are consistent with those on the main Stanford campus. In the event of an emergency (e.g., fire alarm):

  • Do not assume it is a false alarm or a fire drill
  • Do not use the elevators. Know where the emergency exits are in your building. 
  • Proceed promptly to the nearest emergency exit stairwell; stay to the right as you proceed down the stairwell
  • Once outside, proceed to your building Emergency Assembly Point (EAP). View EAP map
  • Await further direction
  • Do not re-enter the building until the ‘All Clear’ directive is given from either the fire department and/or police department

Elements that are under development as part of a comprehensive emergency preparedness program include:

  • An SRWC emergency operations center
  • Robust communication and coordination with the main campus, including implementation of SU Alerts
  • An executive policy management group
  • Building occupant emergency action plans
  • Building life safety teams and floor coordinators

If you have any questions, please contact

Emergency Assembly Point (EAP)

EAPs are places for people to gather when buildings must be evacuated during an emergency. All buildings on campus have designated EAP sites.